If you recently did a refresh in your Sandbox environment in Salesforce as described in this article and suddenly you notice that your SightCall Appointment link are no longer generated when booking an appointment, then you can do the following steps to resolve the issue:
- Logout from your Salesforce Sandbox.
Browse and login to admin.sightcall.com (or admin-us.sightcall.com if you have a US-Core tenant) and then scroll on the left hand side to the "Integrations" tab:
You are now redirected to Services portal (services.sightcall.com), where you will be able to setup or configure your integration directly.
Delete the existing Salesforce activation. You can do this by going to Salesforce tile, make notes / take a snapshot of any existing configuration, scroll to the very bottom of the page, and click Delete.
- Go to Home page of Services portal and Delete the existing Appointment activation. You can do this by going to Appointment tile, scroll to the very bottom of the page, and click Delete.
- Go to Home page of Services portal > click the '+' sign to add Salesforce integration activation using the same configuration note / snapshot taken from step 4 above (see below for example) > click Save.
- This will redirect you to Salesforce and it requires you to login with Salesforce Administrator account to complete the activation.
- Go to Home page of Services portal > click the '+' sign to add Appointment integration activation > leave the setting blank (see below) > click Save.
- Go to Home page of Services portal > click the Salesforce tile > click the Admin button on top right corner > click the Appointment Connector tab > check the Enable Appointment Webhook > click Save.
- Browse to your Salesforce Sandbox console page > click SightCall widget > wait until you're successfully connected to SightCall and the following page shows up in the widget:
- Logout from Salesforce sandbox and login back as one of the Agent by manually typing the Salesforce username and password (Don't use Log In As feature) > click Allow when prompted with Salesforce Allow Access.
- The issue should be resolved now. You can run a test by booking a NEW appointment (Don't use the previously booked appointment).