If you encounter an issue where the Agent Appointment Link and Guest Appointment Link suddenly don't get generated and customers are not receiving SFDC Service Appointment Reminder Email after a recent existing SFDC admin account being closed / decommissioned, the followings steps can be applied to fix the issue:
- Login to SFDC with the new SFDC admin account that is dedicated to run SightCall Service Appointment. Don't use "Log in As" feature in SFDC. Use the standard / normal single user login instead.
- Go to SFDC Setup > Users > Edit the SFDC admin user account that's recently closed / decommissioned > OAuth Connected Apps > Revoke the most recent "SightCall" application.
- Open a new browser tab, browse and login to admin.sightcall.com > Services > Integration > Salesforce.
- Click "Admin"
- Under Appointment Connector, click "Enable Appointment Webhook" and click "Back"
- Make sure the "Use webhooks" checkbox is checked, Username and Password for Appointment are correct, scroll to the very bottom and click "Save
- This will redirect the browser page to open SFDC page (with the login credentials on step 1 above) and it will prompt the SFDC user to Allow access to the Service Appointment. Click "Allow". If the prompt doesn't show up, repeat step 2 - 6 above.
- Run a quick test by creating a new Service Appointment item and the issue should be resolved now.