Case End Reason
callEnded | The Agent (host) ends the call. To determine who initially request to end the call, please review the Events section of the Case Report and locate the "hangupRequested" event. |
consentDenied | The Guest selects "Disagree" when being prompted with SightCall Terms of Use. |
pincodeCanceled |
The Agent (host) cancels the pincode either manually before a call has been made, or automatically if the Agent is no longer connected to the console for any reason for more than 12 hours. This only applies to non-ACD usecases. |
guestCanceled | The Guest cancels the call request before the Agent pickup the call. This only applies to ACD usecases. |
Call End Reason
hostHangup |
The Agent (host) clicks the hangup button in Local Console Controls and the pincode is deleted either manually or automatically based on Usecase General Setup > Code auto deleted setting. |
guestHangup |
The Guest clicks the hangup button in Guest Controls. |
guestDisconnected | The Guest is experiencing networkError* and is no longer connected to the platform. The Agent (host) receives such notification from the platform. |
hostDisconnected | The Agent (host) is experiencing networkError* and is no longer connected to the platform. The Guest receives such notification from the platform. |
deadparty | The Guest is experiencing NetworkDisconnect and SightCall platform tries to do WarmBootAttempt. The Guest has not reconnected in 20 seconds and SightCall platform considers the Guest party dead. |
* Common examples of networkError are sudden low Internet bandwidth, high network latency, SSL inspection / deep packet inspection, or poor cellular signal reception in the region.
Case Report Events
pincodeCreated | host | The Agent (host) creates a pincode. |
pincodeResent | host | The Agent (host) resends the pincode. |
pincodeDeleted | host | The Agent (host) deletes the pincode manually or automatically based on Usecase General Setup > Code auto deleted setting. |
userStarted | guest / attendee (external) | The Guest / Attendee opens the invitation link (sent via SMS or Email) in Visual Support / SightCall app. |
consentAccepted | guest / attendee (external) | The Guest / Attendee selects "Agree" when being prompted with SightCall Terms of Use. |
consentDenied | guest / attendee (external) | The Guest / Attendee selects "Disagree" when being prompted with SightCall Terms of Use. |
userConnected | guest / attendee (external) | The Guest is connected to SightCall platform but has not successfully joined the call session. |
userJoined | guest / attendee (external) | The Guest is connected to SightCall platform and has successfully joined the call session. |
permissionDenied | guest / attendee (external) |
The Guest declines permission to either Camera or Microphone. |
callRequestReceived | host | The Agent (host) receives ACD callRequest. |
callRequestAccepted | host |
The Agent (host) receives & accepts ACD call request. |
callRequestDeclined | host | The Agent (host) receives & declines ACD call request. |
callStarted | host | The Agent (host) receives & accepts ACD call request, and start the call session. |
callFailed | guest / attendee (external) |
The Guest has one of the following scenarios:
peerDisconnected | host |
The Agent who is still connected to the call session receives an acknowledgement from Sightcall servers that the Guest is no longer connected to SightCall servers. |
GUMNotAllowedError | guest / attendee (external) |
Thrown if one or more of the requested source devices cannot be used at this time. This will happen if one of the following scenarios applies:
Notes: Browser tends to remember what permission actions the user has done. If the User denied permissions in the past, such action was saved in the browser setting and would affect future SightCall WebRTC call sessions. In such scenario, manual reset of the browser permissions is required to allow Camera and Mic permissions. |
GUMNotFoundError | guest / attendee (external) |
Thrown if no media tracks of the type specified (video or audio) were found. |
GUMNotReadableError | guest / attendee (external) |
Thrown if, although the user granted permission to use the matching devices, a hardware error occurred at the operating system, browser, or Web page level which prevented access to the device. |
GUMOverConstrainedError | guest / attendee (external) |
Thrown if the specified constraints resulted in no candidate devices which met the criteria requested. The error is an object of type |
mediaRequestError | guest / attendee (external) |
Thrown if any webrtcMediarequestError reason other than GUMNotAllowedError, GUMNotFoundError, GUMNotReadableError, or GUMOverConstrainedError occurs. |
liveTranslationSessionRequested | host | The Agent (host) requests the Guest / Attendee to confirm the Live Translation language selection based on Usecase General Setup > Live Translation > Guest language mode & Attendee language mode setting. |
liveTranslationSessionStarted | host | Either the Agent or the Guest enables Live Translation on their device (1 of 2 required steps completed). |
liveTranslationStarted | host | Either the Agent or the Guest enables Live Translation on their device (2 of 2 required steps completed). |
liveTranslationStopped | host | Either the Agent or the Guest disables Live Translation on their device. |
cameraStartRequested | host, guest / attendee (external) | The author requests to start local camera. |
cameraStopRequested | host, guest / attendee (external) | The author requests to stop local camera. |
cameraStarted | host, guest / attendee (external) | The author's camera is now on. |
cameraStopped | host, guest / attendee (external) | The author's camera is now off. |
microStarted | host, guest / attendee (external) | The author's microphone is now on. |
microStopped | host, guest / attendee (external) | The author's microphone is now off. |
torchStarted | guest / attendee (external) | The Guest's flashlight is now on. |
torchStopped | guest / attendee (external) | The Guest's flashlight is now off. |
remoteCameraStartRequested | host | The Agent (host) clicks "Start Camera" button on Remote Console Controls. |
remoteCameraStopRequested | host | The Agent (host) clicks "Stop Camera" button on Remote Console Controls. |
remoteMicroStartRequested | host |
The Agent (host) clicks "Mic On" button on Remote Console Controls. |
remoteMicroStopRequested | host | The Agent (host) clicks "Mic Off" button on Remote Console Controls. |
remoteTorchStartRequested | host, guest / attendee (external) | The author requests to start flashlight on Guest device. |
remoteTorchStopRequested | host, guest / attendee (external) | The author requests to stop flashlight on Guest device. |
remoteCameraFrontRequested remoteCameraRearRequested |
host | The Agent (host) clicks "Switch Camera" button on Remote Console Controls. |
cameraFrontRequested cameraRearRequested |
guest / attendee (external) | The Guest clicks the Switch Camera button in Guest Controls. |
host | The Agent (host) clicks either "Video Reduce", "Video Enlarge", or "Video Fullscreen" button on Local Console Controls. |
remoteVideoProfileSdRequested | host | The Agent (host) requests the Guest to set video quality to SD. |
remoteVideoProfileMdRequested | host | The Agent (host) requests the Guest to set video quality to HD. |
videoProfileSetToSd | guest / attendee (external) | Video quality on Guest / Attendee device is now in SD |
videoProfileSetToMd | guest / attendee (external) | Video quality on Guest / Attendee device is now in HD |
videoSaveRequested | host | The Agent (host) clicks "Save Picture" button on Remote Console Controls NOT during Share mode**. |
videoSaved | host | The Agent (host) successfully saves the picture into Agent's device local memory / cache. |
savedPictureSubmitted | host | The Agent (host) successfully uploads the picture to SightCall platform. |
snapshotStartRequested | host | The Agent (host) clicks "Take Snapshot" button in Remote Console Controls. |
snapshotStarted | guest / attendee (external) | The Guest successfully shares a high resolution picture to the Agent. The Take Snapshot window is now popped up on the Agent's and Guest's screen. |
snapshotStopped | guest / attendee (external) | The Agent clicks "Stop Picture Sharing" button in Remote Console Controls. Afterwards, the Guest is now no longer in Share mode**. This only applies to Guest using iOS devices. |
cameraResumed | guest / attendee (external) | The Guest's camera keeps being displayed during Share mode** based on Usecase Remote Console Controls > Video while Share IN setting. |
shareSaveRequested | host | The Agent (host) clicks "Save Picture" button on Remote Console Controls during Share mode**. |
shareSaved | host | The Agent (host) successfully saves the picture into Agent's device local memory / cache during Share mode**. |
shareStopRequested | guest / attendee (external) |
The Guest clicks "Stop Picture Sharing" button in Guest Controls. For Guest using iOS devices, the Guest clicks "Stop Broadcast" button when being prompted with "Screen Broadcast" pop-up menu. |
shareStarted | guest / attendee (external) |
The Guest is now sharing either Screencast or Picture Gallery. For Guest using iOS devices, the Guest clicks "Start Broadcast" button when being prompted with "Screen Broadcast" pop-up menu. |
shareStopped | guest / attendee (external) |
Guest is now no longer in Share mode** For Guest using Android devices, the Agent clicks "Stop Picture Sharing" button in Remote Console Controls. |
remoteScreencastStartRequested | host |
The Agent clicks "Start Share" button in Remote Console Controls. |
remoteScreencastStopRequested | host |
The Agent clicks "Stop Share" button in Remote Console Controls. |
screencastAccepted | guest / attendee (external) |
The Guest selects "Start now" button when being prompted with "Start recording or casting with Visual Support?" pop-up menu. This only applies to Guest using Android devices. |
screencastDeclined | guest / attendee (external) |
The Guest selects "Cancel" button when being prompted with "Start recording or casting with Visual Support?". This only applies to Guest using Android devices. |
recordingStartRequested |
host |
The Agent (host) clicks the "Start Recording" button on Local Console Controls. |
recordingStarted | host |
SightCall platform starts the recording. |
recordingPauseRequested | host |
The Agent (host) clicks the "Pause Recording" button on Local Console Controls. |
recordingPaused | host |
SightCall platform pauses the recording. |
recordingResumeRequested | host |
The Agent (host) clicks the "Resume Recording" button on Local Console Controls. |
recordingResumed | host |
SightCall platform resumes the recording after recordingPaused event. |
recordingEnded | host |
SightCall platform ends the recording after callEnded event. |
noteOnPictureRequested | host |
The Agent (host) clicks "Open Proposition" and "Apply" button on Remote Console Controls. |
noteOnPictureDeclined noteOnPictureAccepted |
guest / attendee (external) |
The Guest selects "Decline" or "Accept and Sign" when being prompted with Notes on Picture proposition.
noteOnPictureSigned | guest / attendee (external) |
The Guest selects "Confirm" when being prompted with Notes on Picture Signature proposition. |
noteOnPictureStopped | host |
The Agent (host) clicks "Close Proposition" button on Remote Console Controls. |
guestSwitchRequested | host |
The Agent (host) clicks "Switch Roles" (star) button for a specific Attendee on the Participant List. |
guestSwitchCanceled | host |
The Attendee selects "Decline" when bring prompted with Switch Role during Multiparty Call. |
guestSwitchAccepted | attendee (external) |
The Attendee selects "Accept" when bring prompted with Switch Role during Multiparty Call. |
gpsRequested | host |
The Agent (host) clicks "Geolocate" button on Remote Console Controls. |
gpsDeclined gpsAccepted |
guest / attendee (external) |
The Guest selects "Decline" or "Accept" when being prompted with "Share your location (GPS) with your current contact for the next 1 minute" pop-up menu. |
gpsReceived | host |
The Agent (host) receives Guest's GPS Location successfully. |
cobrowseStartRequested | host | The Agent (host) clicks Co-browsing "Start" button. |
shareStartRequested | guest |
The Guest is prompted to either Accept or Decline sharing their screen and has selected |
cobrowseStarted |
guest | The Guest is prompted with "Choose what to share" window and has clicked the "Share" button. |
hangupRequested | host, guest / attendee (external) | The author clicks the hangup button on their device. |
callEnded | host | The call ends gracefully without issues*** |
callEnded | empty / blank | The call ends abruptly due to issues*** |
userLeft | guest / attendee (external) |
The Guest clicks the hangup button in Guest Controls. |
hostRejoined | host | The Agent (host) rejoined an active call session. |
** Share mode is either Take Snapshot, Share Picture, or Screencast.
*** Common issues can be a bug, app crashes, Agent's sudden offline console status, or Agent's accidental browser refresh.