Use Case Configuration Guide:
General Setup | Call Startup Setup | Console Controls | Guest Controls | Mobile Agent Controls | Attendee Controls | Notifications
Guest Controls
Guest Controls will determine what the Guest's screen will show once connected to the call.
- General Controls
- Video = to turn on / turn off Guest video.
- Video Pause = to pause / resume Guest video.
- Microphone = to turn on / turn off Guest mic.
- Switch Camera = to switch Guest's camera from front to back, or vice versa.
- Erase drawing = to remove all annotations that were previously drawn.
- Screencast = to enter / exit Screencast mode, which is a mode where Guest will share / cast Guest's screen / window.
- Chat during a call = to display chat panel.
- Chat quick bar = to display chat quick bar.
- Mobile
- Always visible mobile buttons bar = determines if the buttons bar on Guest's screen will auto-hide.
- Flash Light = to turn on / turn off Guest's flash light
- Switch audio speaker = to switch Guest's device audio from call-in to speaker, or vice versa.
- Share media = to enter / exit Share Picture mode, which is a mode where Guest will open picture gallery on Guest's device.
- Desktop
- Always visible desktop buttons bar = determines if the buttons bar on Guest's screen will auto-hide.
- Hangup = to hang up / end the call.
- Draw / Drop = to put annotation when Guest video is paused or during Snapshot mode.