With SightCall’s Ultra HD Picture feature, SightCall Agents can take Ultra HD quality pictures using the Guest camera, with those images streamed to the relevant media endpoint at the end of the call.
Image resolution is configured in the scenario's corresponding use case and can't be changed from the agent console.
Taking an Ultra HD picture
During an active session, select Ultra HD . The picture will be visible in the Picture gallery menu:
Editing and annotation tools can not be used on Ultra HD pictures. While editing tools can be used during a session using regular methods, those pictures will be a lower resolution than the Ultra HD images.
Submitting and deleting pictures
Pictures in the preview gallery menu are automatically selected. You can either submit the selected images or delete images before submitting images.
To submit images:
- Select the images to send to the media endpoint.
- Click Submit to trigger the upload of these Ultra HD pictures from the guest SightCall app to the relevant media endpoint (e.g., email address) at the end of the call, not before.
To delete images and then submit the remaining ones:
- Select the images to remove from the preview gallery menu or deselect the images you wish to save.
- Select Delete (trashcan icon) to remove the selected image(s).
- Confirm the deletion when prompted. Any remaining images are still visible in the preview gallery menu.
- Click Submit to trigger the upload of these Ultra HD pictures from the guest SightCall app to the relevant media endpoint (e.g., email address) at the end of the call, not before.